Friday, August 14, 2009


Pixar Movie

To day is Friday 14.We went to Taipei Fine Arts Museum to see Pixar 20 Years of Animation.In the animation has many old and new movie.In the display shelves has many art and sketch. Compositions are the artist use to makes movie.3D movie are very hard to make but the Pixar Movie are making more and more new movie.Museum to separate into 4 big parts .First are the script area,next are the world area.Then are the actor area,last is the best one are the best one I think the a yearly period fixed for a certain purpose area.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Wayway in Fairy Cave

The second stop was the Fairy Cave. It is the biggest cave in Keelung. We walked inside. It was small, narrow, dark and wet. It was scary, but I was excited. The walls in the cave were full of words and drawings. At the end of the cave, I saw statues and carvings of Buddhas on the wall. It was interesting. Beside the cave, there was a park, but you needed to walk up a lot of stairs. We walked and walked and finally , we were at the top. From the park, you could see boats coming and leaving, and the beautiful ocean.

Jasmine's trip in Fairy cave

Our next stop was Fairy cave. When I got there I was scared, because it was so dark and the path was so small.When we got to the end of the road there were many words carved on the wall. It was so cool, but I don't know it was real, because there were the words彰化人.It so weird

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wayway in Dawulun

We decided to go to Keelung for a trip. The first stop was Dawulun battery. We walked up the
mountain path and I saw the Lovers Lake. It was huge and peaceful. I took a few pictures of it. Then, we started hiking up the mountain. Everyone was hot and tired, so we rested at a cool place. we could see a castle made of rocks, a blue sea and mountains every where. It was magnificent! We went walking again, I saw lots of old buildings made from stones with arched windows. It was very cool! On the way back, I saw lizards, spiders and lots of animals and insects.

Winnie In Fairy Cave

Fairy Cave is in the northwest part of Keelung.Our camp teacher was so brave.He led us to the small inlet.When we got in side is very dark and cold.The cave walls were so wet.But I was still very excited.Outside the cave were stairs.We climbed up .There was a park where we ran and jumped around.

Jasmine's trip in Dawulun

On August 12th we went to Keelung. The first stop was Dawulun Battery.There was a lake named Lover's Lake. It was very pretty. After that we went for a hike. My classmates saw many animals, but I didn't see them, They ran away too fast, After a while we felt tired. Then we rested under a shady tree, but we continued on our hike anyway. We reached a windy platform, which was very cool. So teacher Mike said some people could stay here and some people could keep going. I kept going. Finally we got there. There were many cool things. I think this place was so cool.