Thursday, July 30, 2009

Way-Way's trip at WuLai

I went to WuLai on July 29. On the way, I saw mountains, trees, flowers and lots of beautiful views. When I got there, I saw someone decorating the houses with aborigine pictures and statues. Almost every wall has Tai Ya aborigine's pictures and drawings. I also went to the Tai Ya aborigine shops. There are clothes, statues and things that they make.

After lunch, I went to a huge river. My teacher told me to find round, flat rocks so we could skip them. I tried a lot times, but it didn't work. In the end, I found different kinds of rocks and took them home.

I walked over a big red bridge, and there was a market street. I played a game with Candy and Ann. There were six cans , you had to knock down. I threw too high and Ann threw to low. Candy knocked one down, so she got a present. There were speacial foods that we couldn't see in other places. Like hot spring preserved egg (皮蛋), brown sugar hyptis (山粉圓), and millet wine小米酒.

WuLai is a wonderful place to visit. I had a lot of fun there!

Candy's Trip To WuLai

I went to WuLai , on July 29. When we got there we ate our lunch and started walking . I saw beautiful mountains and a waterfall. I saw some strange houses, too. I walked and walked. I went to the train stop. I went on the train, and our teacher Mike told us that we will go 1.6 km on the train, because we would walk too slow. So, we took the train and most of the people wanted to go on the train.

When we got of the train we went to the river. We saw many big and small rocks, and Teacher Mike said the rocks that were round and flat were special rocks because you can skip them to make them bounce on water. But before I went to find the rocks, Way-Way, Ann and I picked up rocks beside us and threw them into the river. When we didn't want to throw rocks anymore, we put our bags on the ground and started looking for the speical rocks. We went up and down and we all found the rocks and took them home.

On the way back home, first we went to shop. When I went in I played with my friends. We kept walking and saw a special egg called hot spring preserved egg (皮蛋). Something brown covered the outside. After that I went to a store, and I bought a thing that is made by aborigines. Then we walked to the end of the street and met Teacher Mike.

It is a good idea to go to WuLai. I think everyone can go here. It was fun in here.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Ann goes to WuLai

I went to WuLai and we saw many trains. My teacher let me ride the train. On the train we saw many mountains. The train could fit 10 people.

We went to the river to skip rocks. Then I found many rocks. I threw the rocks in the river. I took some rocks home.

Then we went shopping. I bought some water to drink.Candy, Way Way and I played a game. I bought something to eat.

I had so much fun in WuLai. I want to go to WuLai again.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tamshui Laojie

You can go to Tamshui to play Doll Catcher . You can eat tall ice creams, preserved eggs , squid ball, fruit jelly, …There are lots of things you can eat and play. There are many shops to see and buy. Beside the Tamshui River you can see many beautiful views.

Fisherman's Wharf

The Fisherman's wharf is a good spot to visit. There is a fish market, and inside the market, there is fresh seafood sold on the first floor. You may enjoy delicious food and wonderful views there too. Outside the Taipei County Fish Market, you will see the famous Lover's Bridge. Over the bridge, you can travel on the oceanic blue highway by passenger ship or boat. You may go from fisherman's wharf to the Tamsui Ferry Terminal and the Bali Left Bank Dock or even to the Guandu and Dadaocheng Docks in Taipei City.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Tamshui has a Lao Jie to let people go in and shop. Tamshui also is the name of a river. It is close to Taipei. You can go on the MRT or drive a car or take the bus . The MRT is the fastest way to get there. It takes 36 minutes to get there. In Tamshui there are great places like Lao-Jie, Fisherman's wharf and The Taipei County Fish Market.

Who We Are

We are Way Way, Ann and Candy -- students in Chuck School's Travel Blog Camp. We will be traveling to fun places around Taipei and writing about our experiences here. We are the White Team. There are four other teams in our camp. Stay tuned for more posts.